Talent Match-making Experts

Talent should be BUZZ-worthy. Here at Buzz Talent, we match you with the best talent, with the skills you want, so you can focus on running your business.

Recruitment areas

Buzz Talent specializes in marketing, sales, and people-driven roles across a variety of industries and agencies.

C-Suite & Senior Management

  • C-Suite (CEO, COO, CMO, CPO)
  • VP (Marketing, Sales, HR, People, Talent, Operations)
  • Director (Sales, Marketing, HR, People, L&D, Talent, Operations)


& Sales

  • Marketing Manager
  • SEO Specialist/Manager
  • Growth Marketing Manager
  • Product Marketing Specialist/Manager
  • Influencer Marketing Specialist/Manager
  • Brand Strategist/Manager
  • Loyalty Marketing Specialist/Manager
  • Art Director
  • Creative Director
  • Public Relations Manager/Associate
  • Field Marketing Manager/Specialist
  • Marketing Coordinator
  • Digital Marketing Specialist/Coordinator
  • Content Specialist/Manager
  • Social Media Specialist/Manager
  • Web Developer
  • Graphic Designer
  • Copywriter
  • Videographer
  • Marketing Analyst

Sales & Business Development

  • Regional Sales Manager
  • Account Manager
  • Field Sales Representative/


  • Business Development Specialist/Manager
  • Sales Channel Manager
  • Strategic Account Manager
  • Client Success Manager
  • Operations Manager
  • Partnership Manager
  • Sales Representative

HR & People Operations

  • Human Resource Specialist/Manager
  • People Operations Specialist/Manager
  • Learning & Development Specialist/Manager
  • Payroll & Benefits Specialist/Manager
  • Talent Acquisition Specialist/Manager
More about us

The Buzz Blog

13 Jun, 2024
Nothing is worse than submitting your resume to your ideal position, only for it to be immediately cast aside from something avoidable. From cringe-worthy typos to downright hilarious mishaps, here are the biggest mistakes you can make on a resume 1. The Typo Tango: Ah, the dreaded typo – the ultimate resume faux pas that can turn your dream job into a nightmare. Whether it's a misspelled word, a grammatical gaffe, or a rogue autocorrect fail, typos are the quickest way to land your resume in the rejection pile faster than you can say "oops." So, before you hit send, do yourself a favor and give your resume a thorough once-over (or twice, or thrice) to catch those sneaky little buggers. 2. The Copy-and-Paste Catastrophe: We get it – crafting a resume from scratch can be a daunting task. But trust us when we say that recruiters have a sixth sense for spotting a generic, copy-and-paste job from a mile away. So, resist the urge to recycle the same tired bullet points and cliché buzzwords for every job application. Instead, tailor your resume to each position you apply for, highlighting your relevant skills and experience like the rockstar that you are. 3. The Overly Creative Conundrum: While it's great to stand out from the crowd, there's a fine line between creative genius and downright ridiculousness. Sure, adding a splash of color or a quirky font might catch a recruiter's eye, but going overboard with flashy graphics, emojis, or – gasp – a glamour shot of your pet iguana is a surefire way to land your resume in the "nope" pile faster than you can say "Yikes!" 4. The TMI: We get it – you're proud of your accomplishments, and you want the whole world to know just how awesome you are. But there's such a thing as oversharing, folks, and your resume is not the time or place for your life story. Keep it concise, keep it relevant, and for the love of all that is holy, leave out the details about your obsession with collecting vintage doorknobs. Trust us, the recruiter doesn't need to know. 5. The LinkedIn Link-Up: Ah, LinkedIn – the virtual playground for professionals everywhere. While including a link to your LinkedIn profile on your resume can be a smart move, be sure to actually, you know, update your profile first. Nothing screams "I'm not serious about this job" louder than a LinkedIn page that hasn't been touched since 2012. So, dust off that profile, spruce it up with your latest accomplishments, and watch the job offers roll in. So there you have it – the biggest mistakes you can make on a resume. Remember, the job hunt can be a wild ride, but with a little attention to detail, you'll be well on your way to snagging that dream job in no time. Now go forth and may the resume odds be ever in your favor!
10 Apr, 2024
Artificial Intelligence is transforming the way we do business. Let's delve into the cutting-edge trends that are revolutionizing the field of marketing with the unstoppable force of AI. From personalized customer experiences to predictive analytics, AI is reshaping the way brands connect with their audiences and drive business growth. So, grab your virtual whiteboards and let's explore the top AI trends that are transforming marketing as we know it.
27 Mar, 2024
As we wrap up the first quarter of 2024, it's time to uncover the top three things that have employees everywhere doing a happy dance in their ergonomic chairs. So grab your coffee mug and we’ll give you the buzz on what's making waves in the realm of workplace wishes!
06 Mar, 2024
AI technology has centered itself at the forefront of our workplace landscape. From how we run our businesses to how we interact with our customers and everything in between, it is clear that AI is not only here to stay, but is the future of how we structure our lives and businesses.
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